Insights into the world of ultrasonic rail inspection: Visit to our long-time customer PLR in Magdeburg

Today we had the pleasure of visiting our long-time customer PLR, Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe, in Magdeburg/Germany. During our visit, we had intensive discussions about further cooperation and innovations in the field of ultrasonic rail testing. We also got the opportunity to get an insight into the work with the inspection trolleys and to have a look at the factory halls. It was particularly interesting to see how our ultrasonic probes are installed and which challenges they have to master on the rails.
As we were told about past rail failures, we were once again reminded of the importance of regularly inspecting the rail network to prevent accidents and take timely countermeasures. We are glad that our visit gave us the opportunity to experience first-hand the importance of rail inspection and to help our customer maintain a safe rail network.