SONOTEC presents the second generation of its successful acoustic camera

With the SONASCREEN® 2, SONOTEC set a new standard in terms of hardware, performance, and ease of use.
SONOTEC GmbH proudly unveils the latest innovation in its product portfolio: the SONASCREEN 2 Acoustic Camera. Equipped with an optimized array and a market-leading number of 176 microphones, the new device outperforms every other acoustic camera on the market, enabling precise identification of even the smallest sound sources in industrial environments. With its wide frequency range of up to 100 kHz, the new device covers both the audible and ultrasonic range to ensure comprehensive fault detection in industrial plants and electrical systems.
Powerful functions for efficient maintenance
The SONASCREEN 2 is not only an effective tool for preventative maintenance, but also helps companies to reduce their operational costs and minimize their environmental impact. By detecting leaks and other defects, the acoustic camera can help to optimize operations and reduce energy consumption.
With its adjustable bandpass filter and wide dynamic range, it enables the reliable and precise visualization of leaks in compressed air, gas, and vacuum systems. The device filters out interfering audible or ultrasonic sounds in industrial environments and enables the clear differentiation of individual leaks. The results are displayed in real time in the form of acoustic photos and videos on the high-resolution screen.
In the field of electrical inspection, the SONASCREEN 2 detects and distinguishes partial discharges at the earliest stage and helps companies to ensure the reliability and operational safety of their equipment. The free reporting software for evaluating electrical partial discharges and creating reports enables comprehensive analysis and documentation.
Simple operation, versatile applications
The second-generation device is not only powerful in its hardware performance, but also with its user-friendliness. With a 7” multi-touch display and an updated user interface, operating the camera is more intuitive than ever before. Preset modes for different applications make it easy for even inexperienced users to quickly evaluate the results, while the live PRPD and leak loss display allows immediate interpretation of the measured data. With many adjustable measurement parameters, the device can also be used for applications in bioacoustics or tightness testing.